November Sky


And further under

The Olives Tree

On the hillside in the outskirts of Rome

To recall

Twenty one years ago

Upon the hillside of Belvedere

In Florence

Where Artists and Fashion artists

Met up

Where the question of Art and Fashion was raised

And where some of your dreams

Some of our dreams

Somehow linked up

With a thread



In time and space

With these sketches

Under the olive trees

A peaceful and non arrogant dialogue

Is suggested

Perhaps not only about Art and Fashion

Perhaps in an attempt to suggest

A difficult to be compromised reality

Is always an intrinsic element

Of Nature

Of Night vs Day

Of Hope vs deep down conflict

Of Life vs Death

On the second of November

A feast in Italy

To peacefully recall

All those who have struggled to 

Live a life

Which is

To see from the point of view of

Our November Sky


Whether it is

Fashion or not

Thank to you all -Artists of Life who were kind enough to allow me to portray that magical moment of encounter with you . These are the memories finally registered together in an album promised by the young me twenty one years ago

Bernadette K.Pisapia

Alias Bernadette Kam Fu Lee

Thank you Apple for printing the beautiful catalogue, like always

2nd November 2017

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