Boat ride 3

bewteen digital works and traditional works

between physical handling of paint or virtual handling of colour

the more one does with digital paintings, the more one wishes to go back to the sense of touch -maybe more material ,perhaps that is the reason why I went back to some sort of three dimensional works ( using the cube as a base ) though without forgetting the notion of two dimensional spirit of honesty ( referring to Linda Nochlin's idea of respect for the two dimensional surface. Honesty in the sense of recognising the intrinsic two dimensional value of the Surface, without trying to create an illusionist depiction)

 it is so interesting to see the process of digital works, the honest or raw making of the piece, the not trying to hide secret way of depiction

perhaps that is the reason why the oriental ink paintings are so much appreciated especially when the artist does the work in front of the spectators.

For Boat ride n.4, please go to my other site:



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