Tree stories, painted ,recited , put together as a sequence by Bernadette, 24/11/2021

A visual poem- behind the scene

wine box with poem of Li Ching Chao's  ( Sung Dynasty) ( 1084-1155?)

( result of the research begun in 1982/83 at Edinburgh College of Art on Chinese Calligraphy, colour, and poetry)

Chairs painted with trees in the garden of our rented house 

( inspired by David Hockney's work, experimenting on the idea of a moving oriental vision- trees painted deliberately from different angles and view points, intrigued by the multifaceted chairs bought in 2018)

 poems  recited:

entire poem of Li Ching Chao's As in a Dream

as well as the beginning part of the poem ' Beauty Yue - Li Yu of Tang Dynasty ( 937-978 AD )

As in A Dream ( Li Ching Chao)


the pavilion at sunset

so drunk that I could not find the path of going home

At the height of my fantasy upon a boat I rowed

and among the lotus I was immersed



There, the water birds flew

Beauty Yue  by Li Yu

Flowers of Spring

Moon of  Autumn 

their ending not yet known

Just how much do we know of the past ?

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